finnish black metal
Albums scraped2021-12-06T15:54:43.090Z
Last updated2021-12-15T23:27:31.214Z
Released at
13Archgoat - Angelcunt (Tales of Desecration)1993
50Mythos - Pain amplifier1995-01
70Barathrum - Hailstorm1995-04
93Diaboli - Towards Damnation1997-01
21Thyrane - Black Harmony1997
6Horna - Kohti yhdeksän nousua1998-04
42Behexen - Blessed be the Darkness1998
45Warloghe - The First Possession1999
53Horna - Sota1999
96Barathrum - Saatana1999
66Behexen - Rituale Satanum2000-07
78Diaboli - Anthems Of Sorrow2000-09
40Funeris Nocturnum - Pure Satanic Blasphemy2000
22Satanic Warmaster - Strength & Honour2001-11-13
36Baptism - The Beherial Midnight2002-06-12
68Musta Surma - Kaiken Pyhän Raunioilla2002-08
14Clandestine Blaze - Fist of the Northern Destroyer2002
82Pest - Hail the Black Metal Wolves of Belial2003-02
12Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion2003-07-22
5Satanic Warmaster - Opferblut2003
17Satanic Warmaster - Strength and Honour2003
52Warloghe - Womb Of Pestilence2003
58Azaghal - Kyy2003
76Kadotus - Seven Glorifications Of Evil2003
89Uhrilehto - Vitutus Millennium2003
98Horna - Vihan Vuodet2003
3Behexen - By the Blessing of Satan2004-03-15
91Uhrilehto - Viimeinen Vitutus2004-11-15
62Gloomy Grim - The Grand Hammering2004-11-22
9Goatmoon - Death Before Dishonour2004
38Azaghal - Perkeleen luoma2004
49Horna - Talismaani2004
74Svartkraft - Den Onda Pesten2004
64Black Death Ritual - Profound Echoes of the End2005-06-05
29Azaghal - Codex Antitheus2005-06-14
43Satanic Warmaster - Carelian Satanist Madness2005-06-30
28Sargeist - Funeral Curses2005-09-01
84IC Rex - Sielun Kadotuksen Sinfonia2005-11-01
71Uhrilehto - Ihmisvihan Eliitti2005-12-02
11Behexen - 2004 - By The Blessing Of Satan2005
87Sargeist - Disciple Of The Heinous Path2005
92Norns - In fog they appear2005
47Urn - Dawn Of The Devastation2006-01-01
100Förgjord - Henkeen ja Vereen2006-08-23
51Baptism - Evil Mysteries2006-10-26
15Faerghail - Death Whispers Misery2006-12-20
97Kadotus - Twilight's Depths2006
4Goatmoon - Finnish Steel Storm2007-01-25
55Ride For Revenge - The King Of Snakes2007-02-19
86Sear - Lamentations Of Destruction2007-03-07
73Circle of Ouroborus - Streams2007-03-21
94Svartkraft - II - The Twilight Void2007-03-30
1Satanic Warmaster - Black Katharsis2007-04-19
16Horna - Pimeyden Hehku2007-08-28
8Soulfallen - World Expiration2007-09-19
20Baptism - Grim Arts of Melancholy2008-02-04
90Behexen - My Soul For His Glory2008-02-08
88Azaghal - Omega2008-03-03
34Urn - Soul Destroyers2008-05-14
41Horna - Sanojesi Äärelle2008-10-01
63Prevalent Resistance - Eternal Return2008-10-11
69Förgjord - Ajasta Ikuisuuteen2008-10-26
77Blood Red Fog - Radiating Desolation2008-12-01
48Arvet - Ihmiskärsimys2008-12-16
60Alghazanth - Alghazanth: wreath of thevetat2008
83Dead Reptile Shrine - Isth Narai Ja2008
37Anal Blasphemy - Bestial Black Metal Filth2009-01-27
25Horna - Musta Kaipuu2009-07-17
99Nekrokrist SS - Nekrokrist SS2009
32Cosmic Church - Absoluutin Lävistämä2010-01-11
85Baptism - Chalice of Death2010-01-25
2Satanic Warmaster - Nachzehrer2010-08-18
59Sargeist - Let the Devil In2010-11-09
35Anguished - Cold2010-11-10
23Clandestine Blaze - Falling Monuments2010-12
26Ajattara - Murhat2011-02-02
95Verge - Sex & Violence2011-03-00
7Goatmoon - Varjot2011-08-08
72Kadotus - Vaienneet Temppelit2011-08-08
81Azaghal - Nemesis2012-01-31
65Förgjord - Sielunvihollinen2012-02-24
18Cosmic Church - Ylistys2013-10-09
10Sargeist - Feeding The Crawling Shadows2014-03-31
44White Death - White Death2014-09-16
54Satanic Warmaster - Fimbulwinter2014-11-14
46PAARA - Yön olevainen puoli2015-06-00
19Horna - Hengen tulet2015-09-22
30Archgoat - Messe des Morts/Angelcunt (Tales of Desecration)2015
39Havukruunu - Rautaa ja Tulta2016-04-02
24Behexen - The Poisonous Path2016-05-27
31Korgonthurus - Vuohen siunaus2016-05-27
80Mortualia - Wild, Wild Misery2016-11-25
56Clandestine Blaze - City of Slaughter2017-02-12
67Havukruunu - Kelle Surut Soi2017-04-29
61Kalmankantaja - Routamaa2017-09-22
75Vargrav - Netherstorm2017-12-22
79Archgoat - The Luciferian Crown2018-09-14
27Clandestine Blaze - Tranquility of Death2018-11-06
33WARMOON LORD - Burning Banners of the Funereal War2019-02-02
57WARMOON LORD - Battlespells2021-06-25